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Laser Hair Removal

Why Laser Hair Removal Is Right For You!

Bikini Woman - Vaser LipoWhile there are many methods of hair removal currently available to consumers, Laser Hair Removal is by far the most technologically advanced. First introduced to consumers over ten years ago in 1998, hair removal by laser has quickly become the second most popular non-invasive aesthetic treatment undergone by individuals. All hair removal methods, whether temporary or permanent, have their own set of pros and cons and hair removal by laser. Here are 5 ways that laser treatments can benefit you.

Efficiency – one of the greatest benefits of the laser hair treatment is its efficiency. When you compare it to the temporary methods you are using now … shaving has to be performed on a daily basis and waxing, tweezing and depilatory creams—every few weeks, with laser hair removal, a series of treatments can drastically reduce and in some instances completely remove unwanted hair from any area of the face or body. Depending on your specific treatment area, treatments are spread out every 4 to 10. On average, extraordinary results will be seen after 6 treatments, although some may need more and others many need less.

Effectiveness – the laser hair removal treatment is also quite effective. Facial and body hair grows in three distinct stages, but can only be treated by laser while in the anagen or growth stage. At any given time, about 10 to 15% of unwanted hair is in this stage, which means that while you’ll need a series of treatments to remove all of your unwanted hair, patients will see reduction results after each individual treatment.

Safety – when certified, experienced technicians perform laser treatments, they are one of the safest hair removal treatments available. When performed correctly, patients will only experience slight redness in the treated area following the procedure; this reaction is normal and can last for about a day. If performed incorrectly, certain side effects can be experienced such as hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, or in extreme cases, burning. These effects are rare and only occur if a laser technician is inexperienced and does not treat you properly.

Convenience – with the growing popularity of laser treatments, laser clinics are opening in abundance across the nation; making it more convenient for those who are interested. With more clinics available, this gives you the opportunity to find a clinic that is comfortable, convenient and will get you the results you want. Do some research and find the clinic that best suits your individual needs.

Results – when compared to traditional hair removal options laser treatment results are simply unmatched. Temporary hair removal methods do provide both ease and convenience, but they always lead to hair re-growth. Electrolysis is a permanent method, but continual treatments are needed and results will always be a long time coming. With hair removal by laser, a simple treatment series will have you looking and feeling fantastic. There’s no easier way to remove unwanted hair for good.

These are just a few reasons why laser hair removal is your number one option for the removal of unwanted hair; this treatment has revolutionized the way we remove unwanted hair. When comparing other hair removal methods, whether temporary or permanent, none come close to matching the safety, efficacy and results of laser treatments. Find more laser hair removal information today and discover if this treatment is right for you.

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